Before i Begin, I gotta give a big Credit to Nick Chin for taking this wonderful pictures!
Last Saturday, I was celebrating my college friends party in Helo Bali.
Both of them are Chicks who got the same birthday together.
Of course, they were clubbers as well too or else why would they celebrate it in a club anyway? :PIt looks pretty in this picture eh?
It's all Nick's artwork!
Be glad Nick, i am promoting you in a way now! :PThis is the Photographer Nick! Hahahahahhaa!
No guys, He's HEE! He was a club virgin until Saturday too just like Nick :)
But seriously, he shouldn't dress like that to a club :(Joanna and Michelle, but could you spot something weird in this picture?
Somebody has stole their Kodak Moment :P
Just Joking!Joanna and John.
Both J and J were knocked out on that night!
Hahahahah!Steven and Ting. I guess this is candid for Steven :P
The group, I am included inside.
Azhar was tipsy so he got a little bit naughty when he took a picture with Eunice :P
Ok i was red Inside but so what! :P
I am not drunk on that night anyway!
Ok I find all of these picture interesting as Nick will show out his talent with his Camera :)
Here goes!I find this picture Bizzare because Hee looks like a ghost in this picture!
Ok continue!Ok this is not me, Gosh who am i Kidding!
Screw Nick for taking such candid picture of mine!
Ok then, That's all the pictures i could get!
(Well it's all from nick's blog anyway but I dont care!)
That's it folks!
Enjoy this post ya!Ps: Candice is actually a model for Colgate company!
Gosh her teeth is so White!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Helo Bali
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