Hey Guys!
I've been in love with this recently and Yes it's a Mandarin song :)
You see, I am not a racist after all! :D
Anyway, here's the song that I would love to share with you guys!
我的宝贝 宝贝 给你一点甜甜
Wo de bao bei bao bei gei ni yi dian tian tian
My baby, baby, giving you a bit of sweetness
Rang ni jin ye dou hao mian
Allowing you to sleep well tonight
我的小鬼 小鬼 逗逗你的眉眼
Wo de xiao gui xiao gui dou dou ni de mei yan
My silly kid, silly kid, teasingly playing with your eyebrows
Rang ni xi huan zhe shi jie
Making you liking this world
哇啦啦啦啦啦 我的宝贝
Wa la la la la la wo de bao bei
(Vocals) My baby
Juan de shi hou you ge ren pei
When Im tired, theres someone to accompany me
哎呀呀呀呀呀 我的宝贝
Ai ya ya ya ya ya wo de bao bei
(Vocals) My baby
Yao ni zhi dao ni zui mei
Wanting you to know you are the most beautiful
我的宝贝 宝贝 给你一点甜甜
Wo de bao bei bao bei gei ni yi dian tian tian
My baby, baby, giving you a bit of sweetness
Rang ni jin ye hen hao mian
Allowing you to sleep well tonight
我的小鬼 小鬼 逗逗你的小脸
Wo de xiao gui xiao gui dou dou ni de xiao lian
My rascal, rascal, teasingly playing with your face
Rang ni xi huan zheng ge ming tian
Allowing you to like every coming tomorrow
哇啦啦啦啦啦 我的宝贝
Wa la la la la la wo de bao bei
(Vocals) My baby
Gu dan shi you ren ba ni xiang nian
When Im lonely, theres someone to think of
哎呀呀呀呀呀 我的宝贝
Ai ya ya ya ya ya wo de bao bei
(Vocals) My baby
Yao ni zhi dao ni zui mei
Wanting you to know you are the most beautiful
Hahahaha, The lyrics of this song is really really Cute if you know how to read Mandarin of course!
I am so in love with her voice!! Ahhhh!!!
She's like the Taiwan version of Colbie Caillat!
And of course, she's really pretty too :)
Her smiles in that MV could even Melt my heart! I am serious, I could even smile sheepislhy when she smiled in that MV. Ok now i sound like a sick bastard over here
Well I guess i got affected maybe it's because of her voice and her smooth guitar skills! :P
Well anyway, I know you guys are expecting me to be crazy for I know you want me from Pitbull but unfortunately, my attention is now focusing on this smooth lovely music from Zhanexpecting me to be addicted to g Xuan :)
And just to add this too, Carmen actually hates this song HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I have no idea why hates it and she also told me that this singer looks like Jamie!
Well, the Singer do Look a little bit like her but I got a feeling that She look like someone I know besides Jamie like what Carmen said.
Gosh, I hope it's my instinct telling me that I could meet her face to face in the future!!

Anyone who met her would know how she looks like :P
*More updates coming up soon!
Stay tune People!*
You guys better Love this Song OKAY!
I know Azhar wouldn't like this song anyway.
I guess I'll go now! See ya!
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