I am sorry for the slow updates guys!
And again, I truely am sorry because I have no pictures of mountain hiking yet.
But again, I got another updates to entertain you guys :D
Ok, Last friday we were bored and sleepy so we needed to do something to keep us awake.
Something Creative, something entertaining and Something Fun.
Anyway, we decided to print our FACE people!
Hahaha! Our face!
Ok, Here's the Mastermind who is behind all of this schemes...
Drum rolls..
Ok i am just kidding, we got Kent to tag along actually :)
We're so busted if any Taylor's admin view my blog!
So anyway, we waste our time no more and we get to our thrill before somebody comes in!
Nick: Relax Kent, we're still up here early! God damnit, why is this Printing machine ain't working!
Kent: Yay, I can't wait for my turn! *smiles*
After that, we got our results from the Printing Machine!
Here, I'll present you guys the results :D
My hands: PASSED!
Kent's Shoe: FAILED again! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Nick's Sandals: Passed but partly FAILED! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hahaha, Nick want it this wat so he could take the pictures of our results Professionally! :D
Anyway, that's it folks!
Thanks for viewing!
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