This is the tag i Got from Kenny's blog and i it's Friggin Long. :(
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
You know what, before i begin this tag. I would say,
Screw this. I ain't doing this tag!
I'M really lazy at completing this tag.
Sorry Hon Yee But I won't do it!!!
If dear viewers wanna see how long this tag would go, please visit hon yee's blog.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Longest Frigging Tag Ever
Yi Xin's party
Howdy Y'all~!
I was invited to my secretary of the Student Council's party yesterday and things were great there!
One thing i really regret badly is, I never had the time enough to take so many wonderful picture at her Crib!
So Let's begin the Journey to her Crib!
Well, the trouble started because we were having a REAL hard time getting to her house.
It's not that we got no transport, it's just that we have no idea where her house is!
The Only clue we've got is..
Our very own skyscraper in KL and that is KLCC! :D
Instead of worrying about our journey to her house ( since i am not the one who is driving ), i took my advantages to take this picture~!
Pretty isn't it? :D
We reached to her house finally but unfortunately dear viewers, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF HER MAGNIFICENT Condominium!
But still, i took some pretty pictures at her crib. :)
One really Amazing thing about her crib is the scenery there is really great!
Now you can bring your date to Yi Xin's condominium if you date loves scenery!
It Save your Cash when you're going for a date! :D
Now this is the Interior of Yi Xin's Crib!
Behold~! ( Drum Roll )
Ain't this Lamp sexy enough for you to keep it in your house instead?
I wanted to take this lamp back home but i can't unfortunately.
So i took a picture of it, smart eh >:D
One Common thing that both Yi Xin and Kenny Yong shared...
They just have things to collect!!!
She don't have to spend her time borrowing books from the School's Library that needs to go through complicated procedures like:
Limit the borrowing of the books into 2.
Limit the extension of the time borrowing the books or else the Libraby will turn into a loan Shark.
You Must always use your Student Card to borrow books.
Well, i find these procedures "Annoying" :)
And that's why i seldom borrow books from the Library.
Instead of Collecting cool toys and action figures like Kenny Yong, She collects trophies!
Boy If i am her dad, i would be bringing all my friends and show them my daughter's trophy.
Me: Well guys, this is my daughter's trophy through out her year today.
Friends: Wow, i didn't know your daughter is such a talented person.
Me: What can i say, it's in the blood and the gene hohoho!( boastful ) There's still more of her trophies but we got too much so we put them in the store room.
Ray( Friend ): Impressive but what about you? You kept on boasting about your daughter's trophy but i heard and see none of your trophy.
Me: Erm.... Shut up Ray, you just talk too much.
Ya right bro, dream on as if it's yours :D
Yup, this is the collection of Yi Xin's dad and there's alot of pretty sculpture in both Asian and Western style!
But sadly, this picture is no more pretty because Darren is inside :(
What a pity...
I always wondered why YiXin never had a clock in her living room and i guess we all know the answer once you see this coming picture.
She Don't have to buy a clock! She could look at the time by just staring at the maxis building beside KLCC!
One weakness, she will have no idea what time is it when the Haze overtake the City :D ( That's for sure )
She could just view the fire crackers at home during our National Day while most of the people i know would stuck their ass up in the traffic of Bukit Bintang just to see the fireworks!
Ain't that a luxury and a convenient for Yi Xin and her Family!?
Ok guys, that's all i got for today's post :D
I hope you guys would enjoy this post as well too
See ya as i got more updates coming soon!
Oh no Bro! You totally ruined this pretty picture again! By the Way, this is the another collection from Yi Xin's family, tea pot and cups!
It's really cute!
Darren: "Don't i look cute in this picture too? I will see you guys again! Bye! xoxo"
Friday, November 28, 2008
The 1st Korean Song i desire
Dear Viewers,
I Believe all of you out there knows that Korean Entertainment industry are rising rapidly especially their music. One of them as we know isBi or as known as Rain ( Hujan ) and no, he's not like any acid rain that gave us nothing but sickness.
Besides that, we have TVXQ as well too!
I know plenty of girls out there are very much crazy for them or maybe wost, they may even treat them like their GOD or something like that !
Girl 1 : Hey girlfriend, Guess who my perfect husband is?
Girl 2: Who girlfriend? Let me Guess, Is it Hero from TVXQ?
Girl 1: Like OMG, how did you know it is him GirlFriend?
Girl 2: Omg you serious? He is my perfect husband too!
Girl 1: Omg! No! You can't have him! He is Mine!
Girl 2: No! He's mine! You can have their manager! He may look a bit fat but he's fine...
Girl 1: No! Hero is MINE! GET OFF BITCH!
Girl 2: We have been best friends for 7 years and you're not giving me a chance to have him?
Girl 1: No! He's Mine! Die Bitch!
Girl 2: Screw you Whore! We're friends no more you damned bitch!
- And then they were enemy until they get old -Of course, Boa who is a famous hot singer in both Japan and Korea!
She can make all boys drool with with just her smiles :D
There's still more famous Korean star but I don't think i can upload them or else my post would be like a dictionary!
Ok, dear viewers. I love Korean music as well too and this music that i am about to introduce is my ever first Korean music which you viewers would not know!
The music i fall in love is
Charm from Lee So Eun!
Got any idea who she is?
And why am I not suprised.This is Lee So Eun, I know she might not be pretty or as hot as Boa but Her Voice is like an Angel who sang when Spring comes! Believe me, if i never hear any of her song, I will never know who Lee So Eun is!
I can't put the post in my post but i got the links to this music and if you like this song, do feel free to ask me to send it to you :D
So Ladies and Gentlemen, Please enjoy this song as her Charming voice fills your ears up and i hope you guys would have this song as your favorite song too :D
Oh yeah, just a little bit note, She's so famous until Wikipedia have NO friggin information about her!
Enjoy this post as well ya :D
at 11/28/2008 08:43:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Korean Music, Lee So Eun
Amazing Discovery!
Kenny aka Hon Yee's PARTAAY!!!
Recently, i was invited to Hon Yee's half-moon party.
It was a very exciting experience because HON YEE'S CRIB IS HUGE!!!
He got a PS3, about a few computers, A wii, and even a PS2!
Well, that's not really the factors that impressed me.
What really impress me was his Awesome house!
The interior decoration of his crib, the stunning stairs with roses pattern that really cuts my finger, his large television screen around the house and of course....his golden basin with some damned goose head in his dining room!
Sorry, i might talk like i'm from some Borneo jungle who never enter someone's crib before but I'm the person who is easily impressed! What can i do about it!
Anyway, back to Kenny's Crib!
We ate, ate, and we play!
Well, most of the people take pictures like his house is a fascinating museum but let me tell you what we did in Kenny's house!Yes, we boys always find electronic games entertaining... and i owned kenny :D
( I hope he never reads this :P )Then, we did some gossiping routines with ALOT OF FRIGGIN SNACKS and i totally can't stop eating them! *talks like a bitchy gossip girls*
And Finally, an awesome collection of toys and action figures from Kenny and his brother!
Now this is something he can be proud about!
Seriously, i am not a person who will collect anything like this and i gotta admit.... THIS IS TOTALLY AMAZING! Even Michelle was Amazed by these collections too!!!
So, we wasted no time and.....We played star wars!
" Whaaaaaaaaaat~! You never see a person who is crazy about star wars before? "
I played the role of Anakin Skywalker, who is a really handsome boy who got his full potential in being the next American Top Jedi Master.
But as he go on gaining Fame and Glory, he can't resist his lust for more powerand he turned himself to the dark side... ( Don't i just look too awesome!? )
The Jedi Academy has send Michelle De Caprio Lee to finish the awesome Skywalker! As the battle goes on, she lack of skills and power can't stop Skywalker ( well ain't that obvious enough? ).
She finally lost and died peacefully then :) ( Die Michelle, Die! )
So, Anakin Skywalker continues to roam the Galaxy and The Jedi Academy was destroyed by him.
Am i just too god for stories? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
So after these, we were tired and we went back home... But before that!We took a picture of Hon Yee Daddy's collection of CARS!
Boy I am so jealous of everything in his house and i will be MAD if I am not even jealous a bit of everything.
So, we had serious loads of fun and i finally got a Conclusion for this Party...
Kenny's family loves Collection!
I totally knew it, it's in their blood!!!
Thank you For viewing this page! I hope you enjoy!
Note: Most of the pictures are taken from Kenny Yong's blog.Hon Yee!!!
You made Howard crazy because he saw your dad's collection of cars and now he thinks this Gen 2 is your dad's Ferrari! You better do something about it!
I'm Alive!
Ladies and Gentlemen~!
Today will be a pleasant day for all of us because my Blog is Finally ALIVE!
And thank you all so much for being EXTREMELY patience with me for not updating anything on my blog!
Since i got a new *coughshittyshitcough* computer to waste on, i shall waste no time and start to rise my blog from it's grave as it shall serve all of you readers out there!
So, ladies and gentlemen! I shall begin my updates in my blog very very soon so that you all shall not rot at home :D ( because i am obviously rotting at home as well too )
Thank you!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oh my God! I am still really sorry to All of you guys out there!
Well, i am still blocked to actually update my blog.
Yes, and i know that you're wondering why i can make this post today. Well, I am free for now and let me assure you this, I GOT PLENTY OF UPDATES TO ADD IN MY BLOG but unfortunately, I lack of time and my Com is still dead so my blog is still considered dead now. I'm really sorry!
Since I obtain a free period now, so i will take this opportunity to do some tag from my old man :D
1. Do you have a secret
- Maybe :D
2.Would you fall in love with a girl younger than you?
- I love you :) (This is strictly not related at all)
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
- Hate to admit it but i do
4. What will you do with a billion dollar?
- 50% will go for my expensense while another 50% will be used to solve world hunger!
5. Which is more blessed, being loved by someone or loving someone?
- Being loved by someone, this is bad but at least, i'm honest!
6.Will you fall in love with your best friends?
- Frankly Speaking, i got plenty of best friends and that includeds girls so i think i would :P
7. What do you think is special? Extraodinary?
- A talking animal!
8. If the person you secretly liked is attached, what will you do?
- I won't think twice, Give up right away..
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely Happy?
- Yes, but i got alot of them!
10. Do you have any regrets?
- Yeah, alot of them but I can't seems to remember. Sorry :(
11. How would you like to see yourself in 10 years time?
- HoHoHo! I would Wanna be Rich and Famous with a long hair looking smart with a suit :D
12. Who is the current most important to you?
- S.H.O S.U.Z.U.K.I
13. What kind of the person who you think the person tagged you is?
- An old pesimistic Sheep who can entertain me with it's nagg and jokes.
14. Would you rather to be single and rich or married and poor?
- To live like a celebrity, you gotta be single and rich so i am going for that :D
15. What is your favourite colour?
- This...
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
- Sorry, but i gotta say no cuz i can't gamble this much :P
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- The girl who i got a crush on and the myself :D. This is my tag, i can answer whatever i want! :D
18. Would you forgive and forget no matterhow horrible a thing the someone has done?
- I would pick to say no but in reality, i would eventually forgive but i know i will never forget :D
19. Do you prefer to be single or in a relationship?
- I never have any girlfriend before so i don't mind trying now :D
20.5 people i have tagged:
1. Low Yuan Kay
2. Liew Choi Yen
3. Yau Hui
4. Phoebe
5.Afiq :D