Howdy Y'all~!
I was invited to my secretary of the Student Council's party yesterday and things were great there!
One thing i really regret badly is, I never had the time enough to take so many wonderful picture at her Crib!
So Let's begin the Journey to her Crib!
Well, the trouble started because we were having a REAL hard time getting to her house.
It's not that we got no transport, it's just that we have no idea where her house is!
The Only clue we've got is..
Our very own skyscraper in KL and that is KLCC! :D
Instead of worrying about our journey to her house ( since i am not the one who is driving ), i took my advantages to take this picture~!
Pretty isn't it? :D
We reached to her house finally but unfortunately dear viewers, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF HER MAGNIFICENT Condominium!
But still, i took some pretty pictures at her crib. :)
One really Amazing thing about her crib is the scenery there is really great!
Now you can bring your date to Yi Xin's condominium if you date loves scenery!
It Save your Cash when you're going for a date! :D
Now this is the Interior of Yi Xin's Crib!
Behold~! ( Drum Roll )
Ain't this Lamp sexy enough for you to keep it in your house instead?
I wanted to take this lamp back home but i can't unfortunately.
So i took a picture of it, smart eh >:D
One Common thing that both Yi Xin and Kenny Yong shared...
They just have things to collect!!!
She don't have to spend her time borrowing books from the School's Library that needs to go through complicated procedures like:
Limit the borrowing of the books into 2.
Limit the extension of the time borrowing the books or else the Libraby will turn into a loan Shark.
You Must always use your Student Card to borrow books.
Well, i find these procedures "Annoying" :)
And that's why i seldom borrow books from the Library.
Instead of Collecting cool toys and action figures like Kenny Yong, She collects trophies!
Boy If i am her dad, i would be bringing all my friends and show them my daughter's trophy.
Me: Well guys, this is my daughter's trophy through out her year today.
Friends: Wow, i didn't know your daughter is such a talented person.
Me: What can i say, it's in the blood and the gene hohoho!( boastful ) There's still more of her trophies but we got too much so we put them in the store room.
Ray( Friend ): Impressive but what about you? You kept on boasting about your daughter's trophy but i heard and see none of your trophy.
Me: Erm.... Shut up Ray, you just talk too much.
Ya right bro, dream on as if it's yours :D
Yup, this is the collection of Yi Xin's dad and there's alot of pretty sculpture in both Asian and Western style!
But sadly, this picture is no more pretty because Darren is inside :(
What a pity...
I always wondered why YiXin never had a clock in her living room and i guess we all know the answer once you see this coming picture.
She Don't have to buy a clock! She could look at the time by just staring at the maxis building beside KLCC!
One weakness, she will have no idea what time is it when the Haze overtake the City :D ( That's for sure )
She could just view the fire crackers at home during our National Day while most of the people i know would stuck their ass up in the traffic of Bukit Bintang just to see the fireworks!
Ain't that a luxury and a convenient for Yi Xin and her Family!?
Ok guys, that's all i got for today's post :D
I hope you guys would enjoy this post as well too
See ya as i got more updates coming soon!
Oh no Bro! You totally ruined this pretty picture again! By the Way, this is the another collection from Yi Xin's family, tea pot and cups!
It's really cute!
Darren: "Don't i look cute in this picture too? I will see you guys again! Bye! xoxo"
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