Ok guys, I Know i've been an Ass for delaying this post but recently, I was both Lazy and busy during the week!
Anyway, I aoplogise deeply as i can find a time for me to blog on this post! :D
So last Saturday as you all know ( or not )
I was celebrating Jamie's party for at least 10 minutes because i have to drop off my Japanese Host Mother in KLIA!
Yes i do threaten Jordan that i'll strangle him if I attended Jamie's party for 10 minutes but what the heck, i didn't know it became so true because i had this feeling that i'll be in her party for 10 minutes because i was late!
Oh well, at least i DO come to her party right?
Jamie was trying so hard to do all those logistic planning for me so i could attend her party but Thank you Jamie! I can do this myself!
Yeah, she was Not really happy that i could stay for only 10 minutes in her party!
Boy that is something i couldn't forget :P
I saw a few Sri Garden students attending her party and i was really surprised to see Michelle Lee (Xin yi) over there! I spend my time talking to people i know and i didn't even have my time to taste her Food!
*Gah i was hungry on that time and i thought i could Loot her food!*
Of course, Jamie didn't waste any time and we cam whore! :D
Here's some camwhore picture! :PThe Birthday girl And me :)
We were married at the 1st of April. Get it? We were planning to nail people's up but it seems that Jamie succeed instead of me :(
GAH She's actually taller than me but she bend down in this picture so dat she could lOok shorter! :( :( :(
I wanna get taller!!
Wait Darling!! It's just an April Fool! There's nothing between me and Jamie!! I swear with all my heart!A group Photo of the ChildHood Dreamer band with the birthday girl, Chee Yern and last but NOT least, Moi :)
Ok this group picture is really candid but i seems to like this picture :D
Last but not least, The birthday girl with her magnificent white chocolate cake. Damnit, i can't even try the cake :(
Ahh 10 minutes is not enough to spend in Jamie's house because i told her i could test my social skill and to dominate her friends in her party but oh well :P
Sending Off Japanese Host mother is a important task to do too since i promised them that i'll send them off along!
There might be another time to dominate Jamie's friend right? :D
In return for the 10 minutes party thing for Jamie, we hang out Pavilion with MY FRIENDS yesterday and
Wow, Jamie get along with all my buddies pretty quickly!
I hope she enjoy hanging out with us!
Still, more to be coming up but College Assignment needs to be done!
I'll update my next post soon!
See you guys soon!
Ps: She don't mind me getting pics from her facebook album to update my blog right? :P
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