Hey People!
I haven't been updating much and I will be quite busy with assignments so please understand my hardship ok! :D
I will update as soon as i can if i could get some time blogging!
So here I begins with something weird I found when I was in Mid Valley supermarket for sweets and candies with our Japanese Host mother :)
I have No Idea why but I never liked this Label At all!!
Do know this people, this is a black Soy Sauce Label which could be commonly found in the supermarket!
Howard found this and he laughed out really hard and so I was kinda wondering what is in his mind about this picture...Or maybe he knows that this is a death metal conspiracy to brain wash Malaysians after all!
You didn't find anything wrong or special in this do you?
Well nothing is really wrong in this actually, I just like the picture that's all :)BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS! IT'S FROM THE SAME FREAKIN COMPANY, WITH THE SAME KIND OF DRAWINGS BUT THIS IS REALLY WRONG!
Why is this wrong?
This is telling us that WE will have amazing Double Chin Like him if we still love Chocolate, escpecially CadBury's Chocolate :)
Oh well, I guess i would stop eating Cadbury's Chocolate then!Up your Ass For the Cadbury's Company!
Now answer me this honestly people, what is in your perception when you see a picture of a person who never smile and it's in black and white like the photo above?
A person who passed away right?I mean Seriously, this is too much! He don't have to do this in order to be remembered! ( the picture above )
Urrgghhh! Maybe we should admire him for doing this kind of stuff because I AM NEVER gonna Appear my Potrait in any Food Label at all!!!
Hmm, I wonder if I still have the mood to eat this sweets or not =/
Ok then! Off to work People! :D
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