Yes dear viewers! It's HITMAN! The Show that's worth to WATCH!No kidding! It's really nice.. Go buy a ticket and watch it with YOUR FRIENDS
unless... your parents or your family is open minded enough to watch this movie :P
Why? There is some porn scene inside but it's not that much...
Seriously viewers, you can actually go High when you're watching the movie.. It's like you're a part of the Movie :P
Anybody played Hitman before? The game is cool but the storyline is different compare to the movie.
Hitman is so cool! The way he killed his enemy is through the cool and silent way, just like a ghost! He always prepare plans before he kills his target. The cooler part is, Interpol is after him! How cool is will be if i am the REAL delegate of Interpol :P
I can be in D.e.e.p.S.h.i.t but it will be FUN!
Unlike 300 they kill with anger and face their enemy like a man!
I can be in D.e.e.p.S.h.i.t but it will be FUN!
Unlike 300 they kill with anger and face their enemy like a man!
Yup Spartans.. they don't dress neatly to cut your throat. They just wanna wear half naked so they can feel the cool air around their body and they won't have any burden to their body :P

I will be sneezing badly when i am half naked outside while raining..
They are always roaring at each other when they are fighting with the enemies. I guess it's to scare the enemies away.
I wonder this event ever happen to me before...


I wonder this event ever happen to me before...

Well, i guess there is :P
It's cool to see the outfit between Hitman and 300
It's cool to see the outfit between Hitman and 300
Now i ain't gonna tell out the story here or else i will break your mood to watch the movie so, go buy your tickets now!
Oh yeah, if viewers never watch 300 before... watch that movie too! It's worth to buy the DVD! No pirated CD or DVD please.. It will seriously destroy the movie..
I hope dear viewers enjoy this post too!
Oh yeah, if viewers never watch 300 before... watch that movie too! It's worth to buy the DVD! No pirated CD or DVD please.. It will seriously destroy the movie..
I hope dear viewers enjoy this post too!
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