Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dig Ultimate Birthday Bash

Azhar: I guess i am not going to win *cock looks*

Liang: And the Winner is number 64 picked by Azhar!!!
Azhar: Huh, what?

Liang: You've just won! Come on, smile!
Azhar: Ohhh hahaha okay.. *Smile widely*

Hunny Madu: Who influence you to pick that number lucky boy?
Azhar: It's him! My only totally awesome Japanese friend Suzuki!

Hunny Madu: Wow really? He must be really good looking!
Azhar: Yes you're right Hunny Madu! Without Him, losers like me will not win such prize!
Liang: Yeah, Azhar is right (:

Liang: And the winner, Azhar the NOT-SO-GREAT andallthankstosuzuki!
Azhar: Yay!!! Thank You Suzuki!!! You're my HERO!
Hunny Madu: Grrrrr~! *Look at her face LOL*

Azhar with his Cock face showing off his grand prize.

Congratulations Azhar for winning the Grand Prize!
Hahahaha, and look at Hunny Madu's face expression, priceless!

Anyway, I got lazy to upload the rest of the pictures and steal them hahaha!
So i will see you guys next time! Adios!

PS: Thank you so much birthday girl, which is you Nicole! :)


Jarred Tay said...

Hey.. Guess wat? Liang is coming to my church on the 24 of Oct!! Haha..Wanna join? XP