Hey guys! Gosh I've been watching three movie in cinema last week! And my finals are coming up really soon as well too! I ain't sure either i should be happy or not but it was worth of it :)
Anyway in this post, I shall give my movie review on this three movie :)
It might not be a splendid post this time but I hope this could help you guys in decision of watching a movie.
Here goes!
Monster vs Alien, quite popular in every cinema I believe.
This movie is really funny but i don't think kids get the jokes unlike teens or the adults. The plot is not that bad because all pixar movies are almost the same anyway.
If you're looking for comedy then this should be a suitable movie to watch.
Anyway, my rating for this movie would be 7/10!Yup, many High School Musical
freaks fans would be dying to watch this movie because of Zac Efron and of course, there is also those who make an oath to themselves for not watching this movie too!
Well guys think again, this movie is not like any High School Musical version (thank god) so be assured that this movie is going to worth your money for it :)
Frankly speaking, i do like this show even though I heard a lot of critics about this movie because the storyline is really interesting to begin with! (And it's Not because of Zac Efron Azhar!) This movie is both comedy and romantic so I guess it favour most of your taste huh. Besides, we could actually see how good is Zac Efron in the movie industry and yes, he is a real potential actor not like how we have a perception of him being so high school musical-ish huh :P
Before i end this, this movie is also a little bit disturbing in a funny way too :P
Anyway, my rating for this movie would be 9/10!Last but not least, this Horror movie was the last one i watched last week. Drag me to Hell, well I do receive a lot of critics from my friends about this movie and it actually made me think twice of burning my cash for this movie or not. Overall, I think i like this Horror movie compare to any other horror movie besides 4bia (Thailand). Unlike any other Horror movie, this movie don't really use so much dialogues and there is a whole lots of suprises in it too!
Likewise, this movie also add a few comedy touch in it to make it more interesting!
This movie also reflects to us about how our society nowadays react to this hocus-pocus stuff like how they would brush it aside as a joke and they ended up into a serious deep shit situation later on. This movie also portrays on how a normal person would do so much crazy things to evade their problems.
Before i end this, those who are afraid to watch Horror movie will be terrified watching this movie and i'm serious guys!
Anyway, I would rate this movie 7/10!
Anyway guys, I hope you guys would check those movie out as it might worth your time watching these movies!
See ya!
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