Yes Ladies and Gentlemen! All Form5's are Officially Free from School and they gained Freedom!
So it means PARTTAAAYY Y'ALL!!!
But unfortunate for the poor me, i will be getting my ass to work :(
And i will tell you guys how's my work while some of the form5's are having fun ;)
So anyway!
My Friends get really happy and they express all of their emotions out.
Here's some pictures where my lovely friends shows their emotions out after coming out from the Hell prepared by the Government to all form 5 students.
"Finally, i'm free from all of the torture in SPM exam. Now it's time for us to show some of our hatred towards some subjects."
"I guess you're right Tuck Yik. Let me start first, screw you maths! You've gave me nothing but pain in my very own ass." As Chun Yee express his anger towards maths.
"Me hate English! Me english bad! Me like cookie!" Hansin, as he tries to finish his sentences in English.
" I never liked you Accounts, you know that. I won't be an accountant or taking any accounts courses so screw you accounts. " Chung really mean it :)
So instead of Students expressing out their feelings on their most hated subjects,
We will be interviewing some students about what will they do after SPM.Q: So how's SPM Mr.Zhong?
Z: Exam? Piece of cake, but it will be difficult for mere mortals like you.
Q:Ok.. Since you're boasting about your knowledge too much, i would like to know what would you be doing after SPM?
Z: Simple you mortal, I will be doing something fun of course. I will be....Joining some illegal race and beat Kay in a race.
Kay: Zhong, you think you could beat the Queen of the midnight street? Dream on!
Emily: You're so wrong Zhong. I bet Zhong will crash his car instead~! Tee hee hee~!
Let's see Yao as he finished his SPM a day earlier than all of us." Yeah! I Finished my SPM earlier than all of you Suckers! "
I told you boy, think before you speak if you wanna avoid being beaten.
It might help ya ;)
So guys, this is it for my post today~!
I hope you would enjoy this post!
Good nite everybody!
P.s. I know graduates will miss their high school badly...
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