Hey Guys! I'm sorry that i can't update much in my blogs but oh well,
I will start with an introduction one of my friend :)
Yes Ladies and Gents,
in this post
I am introducing a friend of mine to dear readers! :D
Tada! Behold! This dude here is Kyohano Loke!
Well, we all call him Loke, and i have no idea why :)
About this dude,
he's known to be very talkative, very friendly ( That's how we ended up as friends )
and he's a dude with a whole lotta sense of humour!
Yes, he is a lil bit older than me but what the heck!
Friendship have no limit in all ages!Unfortunately, he's most of the time crazy like Stevie and he's a real horny person :)
( Girls, you better watch out! )
He loves to act as a super hero who stop crimes and villians and that's why he's posing in the picture on top.
Well, it's the effect of watching too much Heroes series so Ladies and Gentlemen,
don't watch too much Heroes or you will be like him." Peace! "
So overall, he is a REALLY nice person to be friends with :D
But girls, you really should watch out when he appears!
He also have some talents to flirt with girls too!
I heard that he might try to be a rap star like PointBlanc too!
So if you guys heard his rap music, do support him! :D
You guys might wondered why I update this post well first of all, i am outta ideas since i've been working my ass off
And most of my friends happens to be shy to Appear in my blog :)
( Thank God Loke never knew about my blog or else he would strangle me for posting this )
Yup, this is it ladies and Gentlemen!
I will post something else sooner or later!
Just chill ya :D
P/S: Jacquelyne, if you're reading this, it means that i found your long lost cousin who happens to be my current friend :)
I'm pretty strong at seeking eh!
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