Monday, January 14, 2008

Bread Shop

I visited a bread shop recently and i spotted something amazing!

Yup, Health Bread but that is not the amazing part

Observe carefully..

Donuts! The Bread Shop is selling Healthy Donuts!
Surely girls and the American police will be crazy over these kind of Donuts!

Now they don't have to worry about their health diet anymore!

The Healthy donuts too, have variety choices of donuts.
Careful, Dunkin Donuts and Big Apple!
Healthy Donut's here to kick your ass!

Another interesting part is the bread shop includes some weird looking Cookies~!

Just take a look at them! It's not round! It looks more like a stick!

Cookies :D

The bread shop even sells Pizza too!

I hope my latest post will never be boring and i am sorry for i was busy these days! I hope you would enjoy this post!