Hey all! Really sorry for not updating my blog! Well, i was abit busy but everything is currently fine. Today I am going to introduce you guys the different between the REAL movies and the SSG-made movie.


It was a great movie to be watched by all.
A serious comedy movie and it is recommended to be watched!

Full of morals and suits to be watched by all ages.
Seriously not needed to be watched.
Now lets see the audience's comments about SSG-made Movies
My mommy says these movie is bad for me, so i decided to close my eyes every time i watch the SSG-made Movie especially "The Dumbass who wears Jordan".
Screw the movies, i prefer staying at home and facing my com the whole day!
You're asking me about the SSG-made movies?
It sucks alot!
Yea, err.. I think the movies err.... the movies.... yea, i think... very interesting
(Please take note: He's retarded)

(Please take note: He's retarded)
Now lets see what the actor is actually doing!
Step aside paper boy, I am going to see all of my fans out there tonight.
( He is terribly hated by all and might be killed when spotted outside )
( He is terribly hated by all and might be killed when spotted outside )
I guess we all should not be over confidence in life or else we might be ended up dead like the guy above combing his hair. So, moral of this post is NEVER BE TOO CONFIDENCE IN LIFE.
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