Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Haha, this post will not be anything special or insulting but somehow, i wanna post this in my blog =)

In the bus, nothing funs actually happens unless u talk to your friends about stuff.
There is only 2 things u can do besides talking to your friends.
1: Looking out the window and day dream
2: Sleep, that's all
When i was talking to my friend, I came out with an idea, taking pictures around me!
Here's some pictures in my bus =P

Kristyn and Antonio, posing when they spotted me taking a photo of them.

Yay, group photo! I know Kristyn and Antonio took the majority part of the photo but who cares anyway~!

Tang Tang Tang~! It's time for a quiz, we see this picture everyday! What is it, a blurred Tv screen? Hell no! Give you answer in the comment box!

Sry Yue hong, i have to post this cuz u ber-emo alone there.

Huh! Caught an Ah Beng!

Heaven, maybe


i am doomed, i know i am...

Yeah, so after all of these pictures, i just have enough time to go back. Bye!
Hot boys on the loose xD!